Healthy Snacking

Healthy Snacking

After months of being inside during lockdown, you might have found yourself snacking on less healthy options due to boredom. Start the new academic year on a healthier note, by following this tasty fruit salad recipe from Perth College UHI Head Chef, Gordon.


This selection of fresh fruit cost just over £7 in Tesco’s. The fruit salad it will make should last you a week and, at £1 a day, that's cheaper than a chocolate bar and a bag of crisps – and is much better for you.


Preparation is very simple, and takes less than 20 minutes. Firstly, you will need a selection of fruit. Citrus fruits are better as they keep longer and do not oxidise like apple and bananas. You will also need a sharp knife, a chopping board, a large container with a tight-fitting lid and a bin to put your peelings in. Start by carefully cutting the top and bottom off your melon.


Then, going from top to bottom, peel the melon.


Once peeled, make sure you have got all the skin off and have peeled down at least a centimetre into the flesh otherwise you will end up with a hard-outer edge on your melon. Cut the melon in two long ways.


Then using a spoon, carefully scoop out the seeds.


Cut each half of the melon into strips, and then cut these strips into roughly 1-inch cubes. Once that has been done, put the bits of melon into your container.


Next up, it's pears. These ones were bought a week previous to allow them to ripen and soften. Cut top and bottom off, cut into quarters and then dice - as per the picture.


We move on to the pineapple. Again, top and bottom need to be cut off.


Then, like the melon, simply peel like you did with the melon. Again, cutting into the flesh at least 1 centimetre.


Once peeled, just trim off any little bits of the skin that remain.


Cut in two, from top to bottom.


Then carefully cut out a V-shaped wedge to remove the core.


And then dice, as previously


Oranges now. Top and bottom removed again, then peel just like before from top to bottom, trim off any pith that remains and dice.


You can take out the centre with a V-shaped wedge, if you prefer. I normally leave it in as it provides an extra wee bit of fibre.


Grapes are easiest of the lot. Remove from bunches and if any stalks remain, carefully remove them. Then just chuck them in whole.


Hey presto, fruit ready to go. No excuses about not being bothered peeling a bit of fruit now. It's done, and when that snack craving kicks in, just chuck some in a bowl and healthily munch away.


One last thing to do - I use no sugar diluting orange juice, but you can also just use a carton of fresh orange juice. This liquid will ensure your healthy fruit snack will stay fresh for up to a week in the fridge.


The only thing left to do is try your handy fruit snack



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