Staff Spotlight - Eileen Black

Staff Spotlight - Eileen Black

The Scottish Government are working to address the under-representation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) courses and careers, to ensure that Scotland's STEM sectors are diverse, equal, and prosperous. Gender stereotyping can discourage girls from taking STEM subjects at school and aspiring to STEM careers, so at UHI Perth we are delivering fun workshops to schools to break this stereotype and inspire the next generation. We chatted with one of our new STEM Education Officers who is doing just that 👇

Tell us about yourself?

Eileen Black from Edinburgh, but I live in East Lothian.

What is your role at UHI Perth?

I’m a STEM Education Officer and I’ve been at UHI Perth for over four months.

What’s the best part of your job?

The management team I work with and the school students and teachers I engage with.

What is a typical day at work like?

➕ I start every morning by checking emails, then travel to a school or business meeting.

➕ I deliver workshops and network with business people and teachers.

➕ I ensure that all student data and programmes are accurate and delivered on time.

What has been your most memorable moment since working at UHI Perth?

The Girls into STEM Event held at the Academy of Sport and Wellbeing at UHI Perth. The event was very memorable as it brought schools and business people together with fun/hands on activities and also gave the girls an opportunity to mix with girls from other schools and give them an insight into STEM related careers.

What might people be surprised to know about you?

Mmmm, that’s difficult - but I am very well organised, love a challenge, great fun (sometimes), and love family life.

Do you have any interesting hobbies?

Knitting, being with my grandchildren, and volunteering wherever I can - for any charity.

Favourite type of food?


Favourite holiday destination, and why?

First and foremost, the Maldives, but I do like the Canary Islands and most importantly the UK.

Where would you like to travel next?

Northumberland, love it there.

Favourite book?

Heidi from my childhood.

Favourite TV show or film?

The Holiday is my Christmas treat film.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A champion ice skater.

If you were a super-hero, what type of powers would you have?


First thing you would do if you won £1 million?

Have a family gathering.

Who, or what, inspires you?

Students realising their potential and believing in themselves.

Happiest memory?

Spending time with my father who was very ill from when I was 10 years old.

And most embarrassing?

Mistaking my husband for someone else in an Art Gallery.

And finally, if someone is interested in studying a STEM subject at UHI Perth, what would your advice be to them?

Be yourself, seek help if required and work very hard. The big one is to think about the value you would add.

If you would like to find out more about studying a STEM related subject at UHI Perth, come along to our next Open Day to chat to our friendly team ➕ Saturday 11 March ➕ 10am-2pm.

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