Scottish Apprenticeship Week

Scottish Apprenticeship Week

We’re supporting #ScotAppWeek24 from 4 to 8 March to show that apprenticeships are creating Scotland’s #SkillsGeneration. Did you know that over 40,000 apprentices are supporting around 12,000 businesses across the country? 

We caught up with a range of UHI Perth apprentices to find out about their journey so far and hear about the skills they are gaining that employers need now and in the future.

Auto Services Perth Ltd

Did you know that a Modern Apprenticeship (MA) is a job which allows you to earn a wage and gain an industry-recognised qualification, building valuable work experience from day one?  

📹 Thomas James-Hunter is an MA at Auto Services Perth Ltd “It’s a good mix between going straight to college and getting that work experience as well. Being in the workshop is not as scary as you may think” 

Modern Apprenticeships also help employers to develop their workforce by training new staff and upskilling existing employees.  🗣️ “It’s proved a massive asset to my business. It brings a different dynamic, a different outlook on life, and it helps grow my business as well.” - Roddy Davie, General Manager at Auto Services Perth Ltd. 

Glencairn House Care Home

Rebecca Webster is a Senior Care Assistant and a former Social Services and Healthcare Modern Apprentice at Glencairn House Care Home. 📹 She chatted to us about how doing an apprenticeship has helped her career.  

🗣️ “Doing a modern apprenticeship whilst you are able to work and learn on the job is a good way of learning in that kind of combined way. I personally found it much easier. I didn’t find school very easy, but I found learning on the job and learning through the distance learning and writing reports a lot easier than I did sitting in a classroom.” 

Modern Apprenticeships also help employers to develop their workforce by training new staff and upskilling existing employees 👇 

🗣️ “I think businesses should buy in to it because it’s only going to benefit the business, like it’s benefited us.” - Susan Hewitt, Manager at Glencairn House Care Home 

W A McGarrie and Son

Scottish Apprenticeships are creating the new generation of Scotland’s skilled workforce.  

📹 Saul Bayne is a Modern Apprentice in Engineering at W A McGarrie and Son.

🗣️ “While I've been going through my apprenticeship, I’ve learnt a lot of new skills - working in groups, communication, working on site, and learning how to adapt to the different situations. You get put through an education and you get a job out of it at the end of it.” 

Former MA, Shaun Gray, is now a Foreman “I was 18 when I started at McGarrie’s. I started a Modern Apprenticeship and went to college and did four years. I was on site, in the workshop, and worked myself up to being a foreman. I never thought I'd be a foreman when I was an apprentice, I thought I was just going to be a tradesman and that would be me, but I’ve managed to reach the point I wanted to reach.”  

Modern Apprenticeships also help employers to develop their workforce by training new staff and upskilling existing employees. Colin Herd, Managing Director, commented 🗣️ “We’ve been working with UHI Perth for a number of years now. It’s a great system - they've helped us bring on a lot of young apprentices and it’s a great way of working. The help we get from UHI Perth, it’s great.”  

The Singing Kettle Cafe

After leaving college, Ryan went straight into work as a chef and was offered a Modern Apprenticeship. After completing his MA through the Royal Hotel in Blairgowrie, he worked two jobs before becoming the proud owner of The Singing Kettle Cafe in Alyth.  

📹 “I would say it gives you a lot more skills and abilities within the workplace and you would learn a lot more doing the Modern Apprenticeship in the real world. I would definitely recommend it to anybody” 

Louisa Clements Professional Haircare

Scottish Apprenticeships are creating the new generation of Scotland’s skilled workforce. Lia Burns is currently a Modern Apprentice at Louisa Clements Professional Haircare. 🗣️ “It’s probably one of the best things I’ve done. You get to learn on the job and you’re with clients every day. It’s good fun, it’s a good laugh, and you’re learning loads without even realising it.” 

Modern Apprenticeships help employers to develop their workforce by training new staff and upskilling existing employees. Louisa Clements, owner of the salon, commented on the value a MA can have in a hairdressing salon: 🗣️ “A hairdressing salon is quite a busy place, fast working environment. We, as stylists, need to keep to a time and having an assistant with us and helping us through, we can stick to that time and keep the place running how it should run. And it’s good when you see them growing, and they can do that little bit more, so you can do more. So, I think that is how we benefit from it as a hairdressers.” 

Whether you are a young person looking for an apprenticeship, or an employer who is keen to train and develop staff, our business team can guide you >>

Foundation Apprenticeship - Social Services and Healthcare

Foundation Apprenticeships are a work-based learning qualification for secondary school pupils and run over either one or two years in S5 and S6. Our FA in Social Services and Healthcare involves a blended approach combining knowledge and understanding with the application of skills in the workplace.  

📹 Hear from some of our current students 👇 

🗣️ “They give you a lot more freedom and let you learn in your own way, it’s comforting.” - Caitlin 
🗣️ “I enjoy the way we learn - how it is more focused on us. It’s just a more free way of learning.” - James 
🗣️ “I was nervous when I was starting here, but I’m close with everyone in my course. You make new friends, it’s great. I just think it’s something you’d regret not doing.” - Lauryn 

Foundation Apprenticeship - Creative Digital Media

Our Foundation Apprenticeship in Creative Digital Media aims to provide 👇 

➕ An insight into the different creative industry sectors, the potential career paths and job roles available. 
➕ An opportunity to develop and apply knowledge and skills relating to the 'creative process'. 
➕ Real life projects and briefs that use the practical skills taught. 
➕ Skills and knowledge that prepare candidates for project work in an employment setting 
➕ An alternative route into the creative industries 
➕ Work experience that can be useful for a CV and in some cases further employment. 

🗣️ “It’s a lot more relaxed and you don’t wear a uniform. You’re treated with a bit more trust – more like an adult.” - Ruben Shearer 
🗣️ “It’s different than being at school and I get to talk to different people and use different resources that we don’t have at my school.” - Tess Findlay 

Foundation Apprenticeship - Financial Services

Our Financial Services Foundation Apprenticeship, in partnership with Aviva, prepares young people for direct entry into a career in the financial sector by equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to work effectively from day one of employment. 

📹 We caught up with Rory, Stivan, Eoghan and Zarah to find out how they have found their work placement 👇 

🗣️ Aviva has showed us their jobs from the inside. They have explained to us what they are doing and what are the benefits of working here” - Stivan 
🗣️ “It’s pretty much helped give me a guideline of what I could do going forward and the career paths I could take.” - Rory 
🗣️ “I’m hoping to go into business finance, so I thought this would be helpful for my career.” - Zarah 
🗣️ “We’ve been told about apprenticeships, so that’s made me think maybe we can work here.” - Eoghan 

Applications for our Foundation Apprenticeship courses are open till Friday 29 March 2024. Find out more >>

Student Spotlight - Lauren Laird

Student Spotlight - Lauren Laird

Alumni Spotlight - Greg Cruickshank

Alumni Spotlight - Greg Cruickshank