Business Skills students get out of the classroom

Business Skills students get out of the classroom

Foundation Apprenticeships are a new, work-based learning, qualification for secondary school pupils running over the course of S5 and S6.

They are an exciting opportunity developed by Skills Development Scotland to support greater industry engagement with education, schools and colleges. Employers are also working in partnership to offer the Foundation Apprenticeship students opportunities to attain industry-recognised qualifications along with their academic studies.

The new cohort of Business Skills Foundation Apprentices have got off to a great start at Perth College UHI, so we caught up with their lecturer Vicky Gray to see what the students had been up to.

As well as studying in college, the students have been making the most of the facilities that the college has to offer with a trip to the climbing wall in the Academy of Sport and Wellbeing

This was a great chance for students from different schools to get to know each other as they worked in teams, taking turns to handle the ropes and climb.

This was followed by a trip to the V&A in Dundee to see the thought provoking ‘Hello Robot’ exhibition.  The exhibition questions the evermore blurring lines between humans and robots and poses questions like ‘Can robots care for humans?’, ‘Could robot bees replace live insects?’ and ‘Should a self-driven car prioritise the safety of its passengers or the public?’ - as well showing how furniture and even fashion can be produced by 3D printers.  Famous robots such as R2-D2 from Star Wars and Rosie from the Jetsons were contrasted with floaty feathery robotic ‘plants’.

The students were captivated by Paro, the cyber seal, who responds to sound and touch and interacts in an astonishingly realistic way with humans.  The seal has a proven track record of being able to comfort people with dementia and is used in 30 countries over the world.

As well as our Business Skills Foundation Apprenticeship, we have programmes in Creative and Digital Media; Engineering; Civil Engineering; Social Service: Children and Young People; and Social Services: Healthcare.

Each programme includes a workplace activity - further enhancing skills required within the workplace. On completion of the Foundation Apprenticeship, students will be equipped with an enhanced CV - enabling them to make an informed choice of either pursuing a Modern Apprenticeship, going to college or university, or moving into employment having gained confidence in their skills for the workplace.

Why do it?

  • Get the skills that employers want

  • Gain a National Qualification recognised by employers

  • Work with local employers

  • Step into an exciting and growing industry that needs skilled people

  • Complete elements of a Modern Apprenticeship

  • Gain experience to boost your CV or college/ university application

  • Set out on a great career future

How valuable are they?

Scottish Universities have accepted Foundation Apprenticeships as part of their entry requirements. Each University has statements in their prospectus detailing where the respective Foundation Apprenticeship can be used as part of the entry requirements for a course. If you know the University course that you are interested in, check the University's individual prospectus for specific entry requirements.

For further information, get in touch with Emma Bowman - our Foundation Apprenticeship and Schools Programme Coordinator – on 01738 877630 or

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